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5045 Fifth Avenue

pittsburgh, pa 15231

5045 Fifth Avenue

pittsburgh, pa 15231

Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

"The Little Things in Life" by Catherine Hapka and Mike Wall


Nearly a century ago, A.A. Milne created the Hundred-Acre Wood and the cast of characters who delight us to this day with their humorous quirks, endearing friendships, and contemplative wisdom. Winnie the Pooh has a finer-than-most appreciation of the simple things―a satisfying snack, a warm and cozy chair, or a long walk with a friend. Join Pooh on a journey to share his simple yet profound observations of the natural world. Each page inspires the reader to take a moment to consider the joy that The Little Things in Life can bring.

Hardcover, 128 pages

"The Little Things in Life" by Catherine Hapka and Mike Wall

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