646 620 9332
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Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm


5045 Fifth Avenue

pittsburgh, pa 15231

5045 Fifth Avenue

pittsburgh, pa 15231

Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

"Bunny Love" Socks by Nathalie Lete


Nathalie Lete is one of our absolute favorite artists. Based in Paris, she works in a variety of mediums, including illustration, painting and textile design. Colorful and naive, her work tends towards Outsider Art, and her strangely poetic designs add a unique joy to daily living.

"Bunny Love" socks are made in Korea of cotton (63%) nylon (30%), polyester (4%), and polyurethane (3%) 

8 1/2" high. One size fits women size 36 - 39

"Bunny Love" Socks by Nathalie Lete

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