646 620 9332
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Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm


5045 Fifth Avenue

pittsburgh, pa 15231

5045 Fifth Avenue

pittsburgh, pa 15231

Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

"The Moth Presents: A Game of Storytelling"


The Moth has engaged thousands of fans through their celebrated live shows, workshops, and The Moth Radio Hour and The Moth Podcast.  "A Game of Storytelling" features 100 themes, including Love Hurts, Mama Rules, Busted, Fuel to the Fire, Lifelines, Hot Mess, Chemistry, Duped, and many more. 

There are multiple ways to play:

• All In: Pull a card and ask everyone to share a story based on the theme and prompts.
• Getting to Know You: Each player gets a different card and shares a story
• Best in Show: Teams of two swap stories based on a single card and decides which story to share with the larger group.
• StorySLAM: The host pulls a card at random then reads the theme and prompts. Players  pitch a story to the group by sharing three key words. The players then vote on which story they want to hear!

Use these cards with friends, family, colleagues, classmates, and roommates to connect and revel in the things that make you laugh cry, think deeply, and reimagine the world.

"The Moth Presents: A Game of Storytelling"

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