"Warblers and Other Songbirds of North America" by Paul Sterry
A striking full-color photographic field guide of 285 species of North American songbirds and warblers, captured in glorious life-sized detail with concise descriptions, location maps, and useful facts for both experienced birdwatchers and armchair ornithologists alike.
Birds such as the Acadian Flycatcher, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Indigo Bunting, Northern Mockingbird, Pyrrhuloxia, Rock Wren, Song Sparrow, Tree Swallow, and the Yellow Throated Warbler are known for their elaborate songs produced by their highly developed vocal organs.
Arranged by region and taxonomic order, every songbird is depicted life-sized; each photograph is accompanied by a short description with essential information on identification and the particular species, habits, and behavior. Includes a map showing where the species can be found, as well as a fact grid listing key details such as common and scientific name, length, food, habitat, status, and voice.
352 pages